Release 8851: Varnish 6 for docker images PHP 7.4 and up
In this release we have updated the Varnish version of the hypernode-docker images that run on PHP 7.4 or higher from Varnish 4.1 to Varnish 6.1. Images for PHP version 7.3 or lower will remain on the Varnish 4.1 version for now. The system requirements for Magento have been updated to no longer support Varnish…
Read moreRelease 8789: Configuration for GoAccess out of the box
In this release we have added configuration for GoAccess so it can handle Hypernode’s custom access log format out of the box. We’ve had the goaccess binary installed on Hypernode ever since December 2019 but considering Hypernode uses a custom json based log format for NGINX it was difficult to use. On Hypernode there are…
Read moreRelease 8762: Hypernode hints
We have made a small change to the message of the day, it will now include some nice hints. The ‘motd’ is the output you see when you log in to a Hypernode using SSH. It contains some useful information about the server and information about how to use the system. In this release we…
Read moreRelease 8733: Official Hypernode API Python client
In this release we are publishing our official Python client for the Hypernode API. This hypernode-api-python API client is the Python equivalent of the official hypernode-api-php API client we published earlier. This API client implements various methods which can be useful for automating tasks related to your Hypernode. With our API-first design philosophy we aim…
Read moreRelease 8333: Composer 2 as the default system composer
A while back we added composer 2 in a separate path so that users could keep using composer 1 for backwards compatibility. app@levka6-appname-magweb-cmbl:~$ which composer /usr/local/bin/composer app@levka6-appname-magweb-cmbl:~$ which composer2 /usr/local/bin/composer2 Recently we’ve had some users experience issues because software like Shopware 6 which requires composer 2 couldn’t find this alternative composer path. Some of…
Read moreRelease 8250: PHP 8.1
Every Black Friday / Cyber Monday period we try to minimize our deployments to the production platform to ensure maximum stability, so it’s been a while since our last platform changelog. This year during Black Friday we’ve had traffic peaks double of what we’d have on a calm Saturday two months earlier. Some shops on…
Read moreRelease 8035: More settings on dashboard and New Relic bugfix
In this release we have updated the dashboard on our Hypernode Control Panel to display more configurable settings for your Hypernode and we have made our Hypernode configuration management more resilient against stubborn newrelic-daemon processes. Additional Dashboard settings During the development of our new Hypernode Control Panel which is going to replace our old legacy…
Read moreRelease 8033: Firewall overhaul and keeping tabs on MySQL memory
In this release we have overhauled our hypernode-firewall and we’ve added a handy script for users to keep tabs on excessive MySQL memory usage. Hypernode Firewall overhaul In the past we have blogged about the self-learning Hypernode firewall. For all Hypernodes we aggregate data about suspicious requests in our central Elasticsearch so that we can…
Read moreRelease 8022: Human readable filesize for hypernode-auto-logrotate
In this release we’ve updated our recently new hypernode-auto-logrotate command to display human readable file sizes as part of the output. The command can be used to automatically set up and configure logrotation for your application’s logfiles. Of course on Hypernode we have built in logrotation out of the box for system services such as…
Read moreRelease 8019: Blackfire Agent v1 to v2 Upgrade
In this release we’re updating our Blackfire packages. Blackfire is deprecating their V1 agent version and the V1 version will be sunset on the first of September 2021. Blackfire is a tool that you can use to profile your webshop from your browser. Check out this Hypernode knowledge base article to see how you can…
Read moreRelease 8016: PHP 8.0
In this release we’ve added the capability to enable and use PHP 8.0. To change the PHP version of your Hypernode you can use the hypernode-systemctl command-line tool: $ hypernode-systemctl settings php_version 8.0 Operation was successful and is being processed. Please allow a few minutes for the settings to be applied. Run ‘livelog’ to see…
Read moreRelease 8007: Dedicated change SLA page on the Control Panel
A new page where you can easily change your SLA has been added to the Control Panel. You can reach this page by using the Hypernode submenu. If you want to change your plan and your SLA at the same time, you can still use the Change plan page for that. Note: Since we don’t…
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