Release 9355: Xdebug Cloud support and updates

Xdebug Cloud support With this release, we’ve added support for Xdebug Cloud to our Xdebug configuration (read more about Remote Debugging). When xdebug is enabled on your Hypernode, you can configure the Xdebug Cloud key with the php_xdebug_cloud_key setting: app@abcdef-example-magweb-cmbl ~ $ hypernode-systemctl settings php_xdebug_cloud_key aaa-bbb-ccc Operation was successful and is being processed. Please allow…

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Release 8728: Remote debugging with Xdebug

With this release, we are excited to announce a cool new feature on the Hypernode platform: remote debugging. With remote debugging, one can connect to a Hypernode and start debugging while the application doesn’t take a performance hit! How does this work? When you enable the php_xdebug_enabled setting, we spin up a separate php-fpm instance…

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