release-384: Users can list flows and set Varnish settings

Users can list flows For some time now it’s been possible for users to list flows for their apps by calling the Hypernode-API. This lets users inspect which tasks are currently running for their node. This can be useful for users to anticipate when changes are going to be propagated when they requested changes via…

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Release 332: Configure additional Hypernode settings using the API

In this release we have extended the functionality of the (currently BETA) hypernode-api to include some more app-level settings. Note that because the API is still currently under active development the exposed capabilities and naming are still subject to change. Last week we made it possible for API users to enable OpenVPN. In a similar…

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Release 312: Billing portal SSO URL endpoint and general improvements

In this release we’ve introduced a few generic improvements in the API and introduced an endpoint customers can use to retrieve the billing portal SSO login URL for their account. Billing portal SSO URL Non-Dutch speaking customers who ordered their Hypernode can now get their billing portal SSO login URL by calling the Chargebee SSO…

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Release 238: Hypernode-API open for public (beta)

As of this announcements it’s possible for Hypernode users to make use of our Hypernode-API. Please be aware that this API is still in beta and might be subject to change. So it’s important not to let any critical systems depend on this API. Want to know how to use the Hypernode-API? Have a look…

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