Release-4220: Patch NGINX CVE-2017-7529, PHP5.6 in hypernode-vagrant

Last night NGINX issued a security advisory for versions 0.5.6 – 1.13.2 regarding an integer overflow issue in the built-in range filter module. This issue could potentially allow denial of service or disclosure of worker process memory if abused. Our NGINX build has been patched to fix this issue. The patched version is nginx/1.13.2. We…

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Release-4199: Various improvements

We’ve fixed a bug where nginx configuration was not correctly re-generated when using Let’s Encrypt and enabling/disabling Varnish. This could have resulted in SSL domains pointing towards Varnish while varnish was disabled/not running resulting in a 502 error. Now depending configurations are re-generated correctly when changes are being applied. We’ve added TLS support for FTP…

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Release-4176: Enhanced brute-force detection, NeoPi and libfcgi

Today we deployed some changes to the code of our emergency rescue strategy. In case a Hypernode goes down as a result of a saturated PHP-FPM queue we try to detect malicious patterns in the pending requests running on the FPM workers. If the request pattern across the server looks like a brute-force attack or…

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Release-4164: Varnish 4.1.3 and Nginx 1.13.1

Today we will be gradually rolling out a version update of Varnish and Nginx on the Xenial Hypernodes. Nginx will be upgraded from nginx/1.10.2 to nginx/1.13.1. The changelog for the differences between these versions can be found here. Our current 1.10.2 build has IPv6 disabled, which we expected to be fine since the Hypernodes do…

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Release-4119: PHP 7.0.20

Today we updated PHP 7 on the Xenial Hypernodes to PHP 7.0.20.

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Release-4091: Varnish improvements

We’ve improved how our code manages the varnish installation for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial and Ubuntu 12.04 Precise nodes. fixed configured vcl being lost on full update (16.04 Xenial) fixed configured vcl being lost between node migrations (16.04 Xenial) fixed varnish getting reinstalled on full update (16.04 Xenial) fixed varnish getting restarted on full update (12.04…

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Release-4046: whitelisted Ayden’s user agent

We’ve whitelisted the Ayden’s HTTP user agent, from the bot ratelimiting. It’s no longer subject to the bot ratelimiting mechanisms.

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Release-3981: Deny specific configuration files on magento1 installations

We’ve moved certain security restrictions from the magento2 configuration into the global magento1/2 security configuration file. In specific the following files are no longer reachable from external: auth.(json|lock) package.(json|lock) composer.(json|lock) Gruntfile.js cron.php Hidden files are also denied with a 403 now instead of a 404. Furthermore we’re working hard on the Xenial migration. Many changes…

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Release-3943: Xenial hypernode-vagrant

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been very busy preparing to upgrade Hypernode to the latest LTS version Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial. While for Hypernode we highly modify the Ubuntu base, upgrading to this newer version will have many advantages like newer releases of various packages. For Hypernode we build all important parts of the…

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Release 3914: n98-magerun weak password tester

We’ve released a new version of the Hypernode plugin for n98-magerun, that you can use to test weak admin passwords. As admin accounts are increasingly brute forced, it is essential that you don’t use “guessable” passwords (such as steven123). This plugin will show you weak passwords in your store. More information, run magerun hypernode:crack:admin-passwords –help…

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Release-3864: IP authentication exceptions on development plans

In this release it becomes possible to whitelist IP addresses on development plans, so that they are exempt from the basic authentication requirements. This may be useful to test external payment providers or other kind of external services which do no support basic auth. The whitelist file is placed in /data/web/nginx/whitelist-development-exception.conf and looks like this:…

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Release-3774: Mitigate CVE-2017-6074 and firewall known bot networks

Today’s release implements two security measures on Hypernode. Yesterday a new double-free vulnerability was announced in the Linux kernel. We’ve implemented some rules to mitigate this vulnerability until all nodes are running the new patched kernel. Additionally we’ve seen an increase on brute-force attacks on the Magento /downloader. In this release we blacklist a range…

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Release-3760: Updated monitoring for development plans

We’ve updated the monitoring of development nodes. The alerting for these plans has been changed to only alert during business hours.

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Release-3732: Let’s Encrypt Nginx configs are generated without www. prefix

Today we will update the hypernode-ssl-config-generator so that it generates Nginx server definitions without a www. prefix in the server name. This additional server_name was unneeded because dehydrated only creates certificates for the domain you specified, not automatically also a www. domain. A new config will automatically be generated the next time you run dehydrated…

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Release-3728: allow let’s encrypt on dev plans. fix ibdata1 shrink automation

On development plans it’s now possible to use let’s encrypt again. The relevant requests have been made exempt from the basic auth. We fixed a regression in our shrink_ibdata1 automation. A regression had been introduced by the MySQL version update end November. We added an alias `sf2` which shows all magento2 storefronts. It executes `cd…

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Release-3657: Whitelist Sendcloud

This release contains a change to the default Nginx whitelist that makes SendCloud exempt from the standard bot ratelimit. The FPM slot limit still applies. Users can further configure their ratelimiting settings in the Nginx config in /data/web/nginx. Also in this release: more tweaks to the WAF for yesterday’s RCE mitigation The Cart2Quote development team…

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Release-3636: New WAF rules to mitigate RCE in two plugins

We’ve added new rules to our web application firewall to block hacking attempts relating to a remote code execution exploit found in the EM_Ajaxproducts and Ophirah_Qquoteadv plugins. We scanned all Hypernodes, if your shop had any of these two plugins installed you will have received an email with more specific information. Other changes in this…

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Release-3586: Updated composer

We’ve changed our composer update itself with the –stable flag. Freshly provisioned nodes however did not understand this flag yet, due to the initially deployed composer being too old. We’ve updated composer in our repository so that all new nodes will be able to update themselfs to the latest stable composer.

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Release-3565: PHP 7.0.14

PHP 7 on Hypernode has been updated to 7.0.14.

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