With this release, we’ve added support for PHP 8.3. This latest minor version was released on November 23, 2023.

See the PHP 8.3 release announcement.

PHP-related integrations like Tideways, New Relic and Blackfire have all been updated to be compatible with PHP 8.3.

For people using ionCube: we’re still waiting for an update of the ionCube loaders to have PHP 8.3 compatibility.

You can upgrade to PHP 8.3 using the Control Panel or the CLI.

UPDATE: Breaking Symfony change

In the process of making PHP 8.3 available, we updated the php-amqp extension to a newer version. We have seen a few cases where this version is not supported in older symfony/amqp-messenger versions with the following error message:

php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Error: Return value of Symfony\Component\Messenger\Bridge\Amqp\Transport\Connection::ack() must be of the type bool, null returned {"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): Return value of Symfony\\Component\\Messenger\\Bridge\\Amqp\\Transport\\Connection::ack() must be of the type bool, null returned at /data/web/shopware6/vendor/symfony/amqp-messenger/Transport/Connection.php:448)"} []

To fix the problem on Symfony 5 or higher, update the symfony/amqp-messenger package. If you’re on an older Symfony version and running into this problem, apply this patch.