With this release, we have improved the hypernode-systemctl brancher --list (or hypernode-brancher --list) command to page through the entire result, instead of showing the first page.

For most users this was working properly, but the result basically wasn’t accurate when you’d have more than 50 active Brancher nodes or when listing the terminated Brancher nodes as well while having more than 50 Brancher active/terminated nodes.

app@abcdef-example-magweb-cmbl:~$ hypernode-brancher --list --show-terminated | wc -l

We also added two other options to this command-line interface: --show-labels and --machine-readable.

The --show-labels will include the associated labels in the list result.

app@abcdef-example-magweb-cmbl:~$ hypernode-brancher --list --show-labels
|          Name         |    IP    |                Host                | Minutes |                  Labels                  |
| example-ephd3nkmy     |  | example-ephd3nkmy.hypernode.io     |    26   | ci_ref=my_feature_branch, stage=test     |

By request of some users, we added the --machine-readable option to output the --list result in JSON format.

app@abcdef-example-magweb-cmbl:~$ hypernode-brancher --list --show-labels --machine-readable | jq
    "name": "example-ephd3nkmy",
    "ip": "",
    "host": "example-ephd3nkmy.hypernode.io",
    "minutes": 26,
    "labels": "ci_ref=my_feature_branch, stage=test",
    "labels_data": {
      "ci_ref": "my_feature_branch",
      "stage": "test"