In this release we have added the more recent malware signatures of the magento malware scanner to Hypernode. The nightly scans will now scan for 5355 versus the previous 2610 that were available in the open source mwscan. Keep in mind that if this week you receive a notice of detected malware it does not necessarily mean that your store was infected in that moment, but it could be that the malware is only now detected. Note that if you run the mwscan manually only the open source malware signatures will be used, the newer sources are only used in the automated nightly scan that we run on all Hypernodes.
Today we will also update PHP 7.0 to the latest version. We’ll be updating from 7.0.30-1 to 7.0.33-1. For specific changes see the PHP changelog. Changes will be deployed on all Hypernodes over the course of this week.