In this release we have updated the hypernode-importer so that it now can handle recursive symlinks. Previously when a recursive symlink was detected the importer would fail like so:

# Recursive symlink on source
app@3nlhvj-appname-magweb-do:~/public/app$ ls -stlhra | grep loop
   0 lrwxrwxrwx  1 app app    3 May 28 14:04 loop -> ../

# Import on destination
$ hypernode-importer --host --path /data/web/public --verbose
Connecting to local database
Attempting to connect to the mysql instance using MySQLdb
Checking if we can execute queries on the database
Connecting to the remote SSH server
Connecting to without password
Attempting to connect to the remote server using Paramiko
Checking if we can execute remote commands using the Paramiko connection
Gathering information about the remote machine
Detected that the provided path is not a symlink
Looking for Magento installation in /data/web/public
Connecting to the remote machine to look for Magento
Looking for Magento 1 installation in /data/web/public
Found Magento 1 installation in /data/web/public/!
Detecting recursive symlinks in the Magento installation
Found looping symlinks: find: File system loop detected; ‘/data/web/public/app/loop’ is part of the same file system loop as ‘/data/web/public/’.
Aborted: Found looping symlinks in the shop on the remote server. The importer can not handle recursive symlinks, please remove those and try again

In the new version of the importer this will work out of the box:

$ hypernode-importer --host --path /data/web/public --verbose
Connecting to local database
Attempting to connect to the mysql instance using MySQLdb
Checking if we can execute queries on the database
Connecting to the remote SSH server
Connecting to without password
Attempting to connect to the remote server using Paramiko
Checking if we can execute remote commands using the Paramiko connection
Gathering information about the remote machine
Detected that the provided path is not a symlink
Looking for Magento installation in /data/web/public
Connecting to the remote machine to look for Magento
Looking for Magento 1 installation in /data/web/public
Found Magento 1 installation in /data/web/public/!
Retrieving remote database information
Detected an rsync that we can use on the remote server
Found an NGINX config dir that we can sync on the remote server
Creating a file transfer connection
Attempting to sync a file using rsync
Verifying file transfer is possible by syncing test file
         28,208 100%   26.90MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)