New Excellence 5XL plan with 96 cores and 384GB of RAM
Today we have added yet another new plan to the Excellence product-line. With its 96 cores and whopping 384 gigabytes of RAM this new Amazon based Excellence node is even larger than the 4XL we launched in January. When you order this Hypernode make sure to turn your monitor sideways or to decrease your terminal font size otherwise all those vCPUs aren’t going to fit on your screen.
For details about this new Hypernode size, keep an eye on our pricing page or talk to sales. You can already upgrade to this plan if you have an existing Hypernode in the Service Panel.
New orders aren’t possible yet, but that functionality will be added to the service panel next week.
Updated magento-malware-scanner
In other news, we have also updated the magento-malware-scanner to the latest version. Willem de Groot tagged a new version yesterday which adds a bunch of new malware checks. This new version will be deployed on all Hypernodes over the course of the coming week.