Xdebug is a debugger and profiler tool for PHP. We have compiled the latest version and updated the package in our repository from 2.5.1-1 to 2.6.0+2.5.5-1. We do not install the php-xdebug extension on production or development Hypernodes because that would interfere with our monitoring and cause events that would be interpreted by our automation as outages, but you can use it in the hypernode-vagrant local development environment to connect to from your IDE.

For instructions on how to configure Xdebug in hypernode-vagrant to work with PhpStorm, see this article in the Hypernode knowledgebase. This new package version will also install the shared library for PHP 5.6 and 7.1, previously it would only install the module for PHP 5.5 and 7.0.

To update your Vagrant to use the latest version either vagrant destroy it and vagrant box update before recreating it with vagrant up or switch to root and run apt-get update && apt-get install php-xdebug.

In order to bring up a new hypernode-vagrant instance with php-xdebug loaded specify ‘true’ when asked to enable it in the vagrant up startup wizard.

hypernode-vagrant$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'hypernode' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
    hypernode: Do you want to install Xdebug? Enter true or false [default false]: true
==> hypernode: Xdebug will be enabled

Alternatively you could edit your local.yml project settings file to enable it before running the shell provisioner again.

hypernode-vagrant$ grep xdebug -A 1 local.yml 
  state: false
hypernode-vagrant$ sed '/xdebug/{n;s/false/true/'} local.yml -i
hypernode-vagrant$ grep xdebug -A 1 local.yml 
  state: true

For profiling in production environments we recommend that you use Blackfire or New Relic.