We released a few minor changes and improvements to the platform:

    • We’ve added two new Magerun commands for Varnish:
  turpentine:config:save          Save and apply Turpentine's VCL configuration to Varnish
  turpentine:varnish:flush        Flushes all cached varnish URL's.
    • We’ve installed ‘zip’.
    • Allow files from within /.well-known/ folder as per RFC5785. It’s used for discovery of
      policy or other information by Apple’s appstore, Let’s Encrypt and others.
    • We’ve added a cron and monitoring to remove old leftover /etc/nologin files from migrations.
    • We’ve added a message inside the /etc/nologin file, which explains why logins are
      disabled temporarily. When attempting an SSH connection you may get this:
user@workstation:~$ ssh app@example.hypernode.io
You can not log in right now, an operation is in progress

Connection to example.hypernode.io closed by remote host.
Connection to example.hypernode.io closed.