In this release we updated MageReport and added some checks. You can go directly to to make sure your shop is safe.


SUPEE-11086 was released March 26th 2019, but unfortunately we had no time to add this check until this point. We also realised that this patch was not detectable from the outside, so we decided to delay adding this check since it would not show anything but unknown (unless you have one of the latest Magento versions).


SUPEE-11155 was released June 25th 2019 and this patch is detectable from the outside and will return failure if your shop has not been patched. If you think there is a false-positive for your shop, please notify us via


SUPEE-11219 was released October 8th 2019. This patch is detectable from the outside and the check will return fail if your shop is not patched. If you think there is a false-positive for your shop, please notify us via

Updated Magento version check

With the release of newer Magento versions we have also updated our Magento version check. This has now been done and should be up-to-date with the latest Magento versions released on October 8th. Please note that it’s not always possible to detect which specific Magento version you’re running.

Updated malware signatures

We’ve updated our malware signature database with over 500 new additions. Please make sure your Magento webshop is safe by going to and scanning your site.


A special thanks to everybody who provided feedback and was asking when the new checks were coming out. Unfortunately due to time restraints it’s not possible for us to release all checks immediately, but we appreciate all the patience you have shown.